Elements of BMRB NMR-STAR format that should be in RCI input: 1) Protein primary sequence with surrounding tags: loop_ _Residue_seq_code _Residue_label 1 GLY 2 SER 3 PRO 4 ASN 5 SER 6 TYR 7 GLY 8 ASP 9 LEU 10 GLY 11 GLY 12 PRO 13 ILE 14 ILE stop_ 2) Chemical shift assignment with adjacent tags: _Chem_shift_ambiguity_code 1 2 SER HB2 H 3.88 . 1 2 2 SER HB3 H 3.88 . 1 3 2 SER HA H 4.85 . 1 4 2 SER CA C 56.24 . 1 5 2 SER CB C 63.00 . 1 6 3 PRO HA H 4.43 . 1 7 3 PRO HB3 H 2.28 . 1 stop_ Use this file to test if the RCI server works with NMR STAR 2.1 formatted file. |